Stipple engraving, facsimile signature, above imprint,..
Carbon print, mounted, from "Cabinet Portrait Gallery",..
Stipple engraving,..
Carbon print, mounted on leaf with printed border and facsimile signature, from 'The Theatre',..
Stipple engraving,..
Stipple engraving,..
Engraving, from Walpole's "Anecdotes",..
Stipple engraving, from Biographical Magazine, fine delicate portrait with biographical information ..
Engraving, from Knight's Portraits,..
Stipple engraving,..
Stipple engraving, from Jerdan's "National Portrait Gallery", 1832,"His splendid library included an..
Stipple engraving,..
Showing 1396 to 1410 of 1720 (115 Pages)